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FAQ - Time lost due to lubrication failure in excavators

Posted by Chris Padman on 23 July 2020
FAQ - Time lost due to lubrication failure in excavators


A. Polymer bushes such as Wearite can replace lubricated steel bushes in many parts of the excavator mechanism.  These materials are rated to the duty of heavy mining applications and can operate without lubrication.  Wearite users have been able to reduce the number of vulnerable lubrication lines and thus reduce downtime associated with failures in these lines.  Experience in excavators in the 300 tonne + class has shown a trouble-free life over.  Savings are also gained from reduced need for machining of bores on replacement.

Author:Chris Padman
Tags:WEARITEZEMEK NewsMiningMining FAQ

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The door is working very well and I can tell you it is much appreciated now we see how trouble free it remains.  & the guys loved fitting the door up with the bushes etc.  It went tog...

Reliance Sasan Mine, India